Why “Women Wearing the Pants” Was Created


To begin with my apologies for not being the fully developed site that you would expect from an organization called “Women Wearing The Pants.”  In the future we intend to do everything in our power to live up to the name!

This site was developed in haste due to the timing of the Forbes magazine October issue The World’s 100 Most Powerful Women.

I’m sure you are here in response to my challenge for the “100 Most Powerful Women”. This is no small challenge. To create an organization under these guidelines in the middle of not so perfect conditions is nothing short of a revolution in the Textile industry. When this idea first came to me, I thought, “There’s no way a small group could achieve such a goal, but possibly Universities and their students could effect a change.”

On November 12, 2010 I read the Forbes Magazine article The World’s 100 Most Powerful Women, and I had a revelation. Here are people who can make this a reality. These women, by my count, twenty-seven of which are noted for activism or humanitarian causes (# 27 Melinda Gates “improving the lives of women and children around the globe”). Twenty-three who control a large amount of the world’s finances (#5 Hillary Clinton may be heading up the World Bank). Sixteen of the women are directly related to the clothing industry, either having their own clothing line or are noted designers. Nine are noted for their marketing skills. And this is worth noting: Oprah was the only woman in all four categories.

I do believe these women will effect a change. It will be the responsibility of the socially conscious consumer to support these powerful women in this challenging task, by not only purchasing these products, but by also by becoming educated consumers, simply by searching the internet for “Free Trade Zones” and “Fair Trade Guidelines”. Just as we became educated in Organic Farming and Green Energy, Fair Trade products should be the socially conscious consumer’s clothing of choice. Wish us Good Luck toward our success!

In the future WWTP intends to pursue projects on a slightly smaller scale. Hope you will be there to help us.

For more information on WWTP please see our business plan set forth by our business director, Katie Cassidy.

My respect to the personnel of Non Governmental Organizations who have been in the trenches for years before my adventure; they are the ones who truly deserve the opportunity you’ve given me to open the conscious of so many.  We welcome them to this site.

Correspondence: we will do our best to handle all correspondence, please be patient.

Thank You,
Robert M. Carroll

Thank you to Diane DeVries of Digrafika for website creation and maintenance.